Our next English Unit is a Non Chronological Report (NCR) and our model text that will support our learning is called the ‘Birds’

During this unit, our skills sessions will focus on generalisers such as ‘some, many, all’, the construction of paragraphs through the use of ‘the paragraph hand’ and we will also be recapping on the writing basics of capital letters, full stops and commas to help make our writing flow.

Our spelling lessons will focus on homophones and ‘u’ spelt as ‘ou’ and we have carefully selected five year 3/4 additional words for the children to learn each week that link well to the English Unit.  We hope the children will go on to use these words in their innovate and independent writes.

The children have already spent some time designing their own animal as part of a WOW starter along with learning the model text and unpicking the story map.  Over the next couple of weeks they will be practising the skills and writing their own NCR.

Please see below for a copy of the  text and story map.

Birds text

story map for BIRDS