Year 4 @ BCPA

Busily being the best we can be!

Author: mrsjgardiner (page 1 of 2)


This week, we have started a new English Unit based around the concept of being given a warning for our own safety.   Our Model text is called ‘The canal’ and links nicely to our local area and information we have learnt about canals through our history lessons.

The story can be broken down into 5 main parts (bare bones)

  1. one or more characters are warned not to do something
  2. MC’s go off despite the warning, MC is tempted.
  3. Something goes wrong  – there is a problem
  4. MC’s have to be rescued
  5. MC’s are told off for going against the warning.

During the unit, key skills taught will include:

Use of speech  -children will learn the rules for adding inverted commas so that characters can come alive in their stories.  In Year 4, we think carefully about the punctuation used when writing speech as well as remembering to move to a new line when each person speaks.

Fronted adverbials –  The children have used these in previous units of work in Year 4 so it will be great to draw on their prior knowledge.  We will be thinking about what fronted adverbials answer (How, where and when something happens) and making sure we make the best possible choices.

Past tense  – The story of the canal is set in the past.  We will be identifying what makes a piece of writing ‘past tense’ and familiarising ourselves with the -ed suffix.

Creating suspense – this will be done through the careful structuring of sentences and the vocabulary we use  in order to create a sense of drama to grip the reader.

The children have already completed the WOW lesson and have heard the story.  Today they had fun exploring the story map and learning the story off by heart.

Please see below for a copy of the text and story map.

the canal text

story map for screen



The children had lots of fun designing and making Valentine’s cards for family and friends. 

Our lesson in SOUND!

Across year 4 we have been exploring and investigating SOUND.

Check out the pictures below to see the fun we had.

Art – Mona Lisa study

This week the children were faced with a bit of a challenge.  We found out lots about the famous Mona Lisa painting and studied the use of shading in the image.  They learnt a little about how artists divide the face into sections using a series of lines and had a go at recreating the other half of a Mona Lisa photograph.



Art – Shading techniques

The children have been looking at a variety of different shading techniques.

They looked at the techniques involved to recreate:

  • Hatching
  • Contour hatching
  • Cross hatching   and
  • Random hatching

They then had a go themselves.  Scroll down to see some of their work.

Art – learning about sketch pencils and tonal shading

Wow the children have been busy in art class again.  They have been learning about the different grades of sketch pencil and how the ‘H’ or ‘B’ ness affects  how the pencil will perform!

They looked at common shapes and thought about the impact shading has on what would otherwise be a flat 2d shape.  The children quickly realised that shading helps to give a 3D impression and were able to recognise where the light source would be in a image below.


The children experimented with tonal shading and then created beautiful pictures using their tonal techniques.  Please enjoy the photos below.




In art this term, we started off by learning about the very famous artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

The children across Year 4 researched who he was, where he came from, some of the art work he was famous for and they also learnt many other fun and interesting facts.  They made lots of notes in their magpie books and were then asked to present their information however they liked in their new  sketch books.  The children love these new books and have been working hard on the presentation of their work and considering audience.

Below are some of the finished pieces of  work.  We hope you learn something new as you read them 🙂



Year 4 Spelling Bee

The children had great fun taking part in the Year 4 Spelling Bee today.  Those who competed did a fantastic job and should be very proud of themselves.  They showed sportsmanship, determination and resilience.  They listened carefully and really were spellings superstars.

The rest of year 4 challenged themselves on whiteboards and listened as the competitors battled it out and went on to show the wonderful team spirit of Year 4 by holding up messages of congratulations to the winners and all who took part – Great job Year 4.


4PG Forest School Fun

4PG had a great time in Forest School again today.   Not quite so muddy as week 1 and 2!  As always there were lots of adventures to be had and I managed to capture some of it on camera!

The Blitz

The children have been learning about how the Battle of Britain ended and how this led to the Blitz.

They have learnt about the importance of blackouts, who ARP wardens were, what air raid shelters looked like and why the government decided to evacuate children out to the countryside.  The children even heard the sirens sound and tried to imagine what it would have been like for the families at the time.

As the weather was nice we decided to use the playground to try and recreate some of the scenes  for the camera.  Here are a few of the photos we took and what the children said about their freeze frames.


Air raid siren sounding – families racing to their shelters

Air raid siren sounding – families in shelters overnight whilst bombing of the cities takes place

Children who have been evacuated to the countryside lined up and waiting to be chosen by a family who will take them in

Mother with her two children, scared of the bombing

Family squeezed into the air raid shelters. Some trying to sleep and others just waiting for the siren to stop

ARP wardens on the lookout whilst families take shelter

On the train platform the guards blow the final whistle. It’s time to board the train and leave for the countryside. Families say goodbye to each other.

In the cities people sheltered in the underground stations. Here are a group sheltering on one of the platforms.

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